The Wog Boy is a dark comedy that follows the life of a Greek-Australian man in Melbourne, navigating issues of racism, unemployment, and cultural stereotypes while trying to find his place in society. The story revolves around his experiences with friends, family, and his job at a pizza parlor.
After inheriting a beach resort in Greece, an Australian man named Steve encounters a series of comedic misadventures while trying to manage the property and navigate through the cultural differences. With the help of his uncle, Steve must overcome language barriers, deal with quirky staff members, and find a way to make the business successful, all while discovering the beauty and chaos of Mykonos.
Single and working as a taxi driver, Steve 'Wog Boy' Karamitsis faces the wrath of Brianna Beagle-Thorpe, Minister for Immigration, as she seeks revenge for the downfall of her late mother's political career.