Zigeunerweisen is a surreal and morbid drama that takes place in Taisho era Japan. It tells the story of a professor who becomes obsessed with a geisha, leading to an enduring friendship, murder suspicions, and surreal encounters. The film explores themes of wandering, aging, adultery, and death.
Yumeji is a painter who leads a quiet and solitary life. One day, he stumbles upon a ghostly presence that begins to consume his thoughts and actions. He becomes obsessed with capturing the essence of this ethereal figure in his paintings, leading to a series of events that blur the lines between reality and imagination. As his art gains recognition in the avant-garde circles, Yumeji's personal life becomes intertwined with his artistic pursuits. He discovers the true identity of the ghostly presence, a widow haunted by her tragic past. Yumeji's journey of love, loss, and self-discovery unfolds against the backdrop of his artistry and the pursuit of his avant-garde vision.
In the Taisho period, a playwright named Kagero encounters a mysterious and ghostly woman who claims to be his long-lost lover from a past life. As Kagero becomes more involved with the woman, he starts to question his own sanity and reality. With elements of fantasy, romance, and thriller, 'Kagero-za' is a captivating movie set in an intriguing era of Japanese history.