Fast and Furious is a hilarious crime movie that takes place in 1939. It follows the story of a newspaper reporter who gets caught up in a whodunnit mystery involving a crooked fight promoter, gangster crimes, and a suitcase full of money. With a cast of colorful characters and a twisty plot, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.
In Fast Company, a rare book dealer is falsely accused of murder and must solve the mystery to clear his name. With his girlfriend's help, they follow clues and encounter danger in their pursuit of the truth.
Fast and Loose is a hilarious comedy set in 1939 about a rare-book dealer named Joel Sloane who gets entangled in a crime mystery when his wife is kidnapped. With his quick wit and charm, Joel navigates through the dangerous world of criminals and detective work to free his wife and solve the case.