After being fired from his job, a teenage boy named Otto is recruited into the world of auto repossession. He becomes involved in a bizarre conspiracy when he discovers a strange car trunk that holds a mysterious object. As he delves deeper into the world of repo men, Otto encounters punk rockers, mad scientists, and UFOs, leading him on a wild adventure through the streets of Los Angeles and beyond.
Picking up after Otto boarded his trusty 1967 Chevy Malibu to journey across the infinities of time and space (during which time he has aged exactly 90 minutes), "Repo Man 2" will deliver an enthralling mix of punk energy, existential comedy, and unconventional storytelling, navigating the absurd and chaotic world of repo men into a new age of nuclear brinkmanship and driverless cars.
In Repo Chick, a young woman named Pixxi becomes a repo chick and is drawn into a virtual-reality robbery. Along the way, she encounters tattooed faces, a virtual set, and a tattooed arm. The movie is a comedy with a crime element.