In 'The Prophecy 3: The Ascent,' a battle between angels and humans unfolds as the archangel Gabriel seeks to fulfill a prophecy and bring about the end of the world. As a determined group of humans join forces with an angel, Danyael, they must try to prevent Gabriel from achieving his destructive goals. With supernatural elements, prophecies, and a race against time, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
In The Prophecy: Uprising, a group of angels seeks to prevent the apocalypse by using a powerful ancient book. As they face police brutality and supernatural threats, they must find a way to stop the prophecy from being fulfilled.
In 'The Prophecy,' a fallen angel named Gabriel seeks to bring about the apocalypse by finding an evil soul that can be transferred into a powerful new body. A group of humans, including a police detective and a gifted child, join forces to try and stop him before it's too late.
In Romania, an angel teams up with a hitman to stop the anti-christ from being resurrected. They must face numerous challenges, including an alliance of powerful entities, as they try to prevent the end of the world.
When an injured angel falls into a woman's car, she unwittingly becomes involved in a dangerous battle between heaven and hell. Now, she must uncover the truth about her own origins and protect herself from a vengeful fallen angel who wants her dead.