In a post-apocalyptic future, a group of superhumans with extraordinary abilities are forced to fight each other to the death. The world has been devastated by a virus and the remaining population is split into factions. As the battles rage on, secrets are revealed and alliances are formed. Will anyone survive The Immortal Wars?
Rebirth takes place during the early brutal stages of Dominion Industries. In this story watch Olive and other deviants undergo a series of deadly experiments lead by Laurie Harvey and her team.
The war for freedom has just begun. Trikalypse joins forces with the rebel leader and her team of freedom fighters. They must now fight back to bring Dominion down and expose him to the world.
3 years before The Immortal Wars there was a more sinister tale. A story of 2 siblings torn apart by evil. Paradox is living life hidden from the menacing corporation of Dominion Industries.