In the second installment of The Human Condition trilogy, a Japanese soldier named Kaji continues his journey through the horrors of World War II. He faces the challenges of trench warfare, the occupation of China, desertion, and the cruelty of his fellow soldiers. Along the way, he also discovers love and literature as means of escapism. This powerful film explores the true cost of war and the human spirit's ability to endure.
In the final installment of the 'Human Condition' trilogy, a soldier named Kaji finds himself in a Japanese prison camp in Manchuria during World War II. He is torn between his duty as a soldier and his moral principles, as he witnesses the atrocities committed by the Japanese army. Kaji tries to maintain his humanity and help his fellow prisoners, but he is faced with difficult choices that test his resolve. As the war comes to an end, he prays for forgiveness and redemption.
Set during World War II, a Chinese soldier works at an ore mine in Manchuria and faces ethical conflicts, forced labor, and the brutality of the Japanese occupation.