The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him is a poignant movie that delves into the lives of a couple, Conor and Eleanor, as they navigate through the emotional turmoil of losing their child. The film takes us on a journey through their grief, past traumas, and ultimately their struggle to find hope and healing. Set in the backdrop of New York City, the story touches on themes of love, infidelity, family relationships, and the search for meaning in the face of profound loss.
In the aftermath of a tragedy, a couple named Eleanor and Connor struggle to find their way back to each other. As they confront their own demons and face the complexities of grief, they must learn to reconnect and rebuild their relationship. Through flashbacks and present-day interactions, the film explores the intricate emotions and dynamics between the two characters.
After a tragic event causes a couple's relationship to fall apart, Eleanor Rigby tries to find herself and heal from the pain of loss and heartbreak.