The Beaver Trilogy is a collection of short films that explore the life and culture of a small town in Utah. The films include parodies, impersonations, and musical performances, all centered around the town of Beaver. The trilogy follows the lives of various characters, including a mortuary cosmetician, a celebrity impersonator, and a twenty-something cameraman. Through humor and satire, the films delve into the themes of identity, fame, and the power of art.
The Beaver Kid 2 features Sean Penn as "Groovin' Larry" Huff in a dramatic interpretation of the original documentary. It incorporated some scenes from the original documentary. The Beaver Kid 2 was shot on a budget of $100.
The Beaver Kid is a documentary short film from 1979 that follows the story of a young boy who has an unusual obsession with beavers. Through interviews and footage, the film explores his fascination and its impact on his life.
The Orkly Kid is a heartwarming comedy about a celebrity impersonator living in Beaver, Utah in the year 1985. Inspired by a true story, it follows the journey of a drag queen who finds his voice and brings joy to his community through his talent and love for 8-track music.
A chance meeting in a parking lot in 1979 between filmmaker Trent Harris and a young man from Beaver, Utah inspired the creation of an underground film that is now known as Beaver Trilogy. But the film itself is only part of the story.