In the year 5th century, a blood-sucking vampire sorceress with the power of black magic threatens the peace. Tarkan, wielding his axe and facing violence and torture, embarks on a dangerous quest to rescue a kidnapped nun and stop the sorceress's evil plans.
In this action-packed adventure film set in the 5th century, Tarkan must battle Vikings and face various challenges to save his people. With epic sword fights, thrilling action sequences, and unexpected twists, Tarkan's journey is filled with danger and self-sacrifice.
In a world of sorcery and swordplay, a brave warrior sets out on a journey to seek revenge against an evil sorceress. Along the way, he confronts the ancient Huns, seeks justice for the Allan family's massacre, and battles against the forces of darkness.
Tarkan, a barbarian warrior, must battle against the powerful Roman Empire and its allies, including the Vandals. With his sword-wielding skills, Tarkan becomes a formidable force in the fight for freedom and justice. Along the way, he encounters love and faces numerous challenges, including a clash with the infamous Attila the Hun.
In a mystical land, a fearless warrior named Tarkan joins forces with an armless hero to defeat a powerful enemy and save their kingdom from destruction. As they embark on their quest, they encounter dangerous creatures, ancient curses, and treacherous obstacles that test their courage and friendship.