Superman battles his evil doppelganger while struggling with an identity crisis and a loss of powers. With the help of his friends, he must save the world from a supercomputer hacker and stop an oil spill in Metropolis.
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace follows the story of Superman as he tries to rid the world of nuclear weapons and bring peace. However, his efforts are hampered by Lex Luthor and a dangerous nuclear missile. Can Superman save the world once again?
An alien orphan is sent from his dying planet to Earth, where he grows up to become his adoptive home's first and greatest superhero. He must use his superhuman powers to protect the planet from criminals and save the day. His journey from being adopted by the Kent family in Smallville to becoming Superman is filled with challenges, self-discovery, and the realization of his purpose to protect his new home. Along the way, he encounters love, friendship, and the ultimate battle against the criminal genius Lex Luthor.
Superman agrees to sacrifice his powers to start a relationship with Lois Lane, unaware that three Kryptonian criminals he inadvertently released are conquering Earth. Prior to the destruction of Krypton, the criminals General Zod, Ursa and Non disable a security guard at a crystalline matrix table. The general removes a red spire from the table and destroys it; the thunderclap as the piece is shattered resonates through the city and sets off a trap that ensnares the three brigands. On Earth, in the present day, Clark Kent arrives at the Daily Planet for work...