Kiss & Tell is a comedy-drama movie set in Paris, which follows a series of events involving police searches, pepper spray, scratched car paint, adultery, and more. The story revolves around a second marriage, with clothes being ripped off and a male prostitute and transgender character being involved. Other elements include a laundry service, hurt feelings, a trailer, soft-boiled eggs, and a husband leaving his wife. The movie also explores the relationship between a godmother and her goddaughter, as well as teen pregnancy, a birthday, a 17-year-old protagonist, a fitness gym, a paranoid man, being fired from a job, tax evasion, a bar manager, a cheating husband, school, an extramarital affair, and throwing a phone into water.
Summer Things (2002) is a romantic comedy-drama set in France during a summer vacation. It explores themes of infidelity, relationships, and class differences through a series of interconnected storylines. The movie follows a group of friends who experience love, heartbreak, and unexpected twists during their time at a luxury hotel. With elements of sex comedy and a touch of snobbishness, Summer Things portrays the complexities of human relationships and the various emotions that come with them.