Sten Stensson Stéen has been challenged by a professor of law in a TV-game-show. Stensson, always fighting against immorality, comes to Stockholm a few days before the the broadcast to teach the young generation how to behave. A gang of crooks mistakes him for a famous dynamiter that they've been waiting for.
Sten Stensson Stéen dies when he gets a wooden box in his head, and he enters heaven in a balloon.
A horse wanders from town to the countryside. Here lives Sten Stensson Steen, a bachelor at law and philosophy. He is writing a social psychological report on the youth problem.
Sten Stensson from Eslöv has just got his law-degree from the University of Stockholm.
The plot takes place on a mansion owned by the new widow Birgitta von Carping (Berit Carlberg). Sten Stensson Steen (Nils Poppe) has rented a room in the manor. He accidentally arrives a month early and the carousel is in full swing.