Sarah, Plain and Tall is a movie based on the beloved children's book by Patricia MacLachlan. It tells the story of Sarah Wheaton, a strong and independent woman from Maine who answers a newspaper advertisement placed by a widower named Jacob. Sarah travels to Kansas to spend a trial period with Jacob and his two children, Caleb and Anna. As the family gets to know Sarah, they learn to love and accept her, and Sarah discovers her own love for them and the prairie. It is a touching tale of loss, love, and new beginnings.
Skylark is a touching movie about a family living in rural Kansas, facing challenges such as drought, famine, and a devastating barn fire. The story revolves around the bond between a stepmother and her stepchildren, as well as the love and resilience of the family in the face of adversity.
Sarah, a plain and tall woman, brings warmth and love to a family in the prairie during the winter. She helps them overcome challenges like an influenza epidemic and a broken leg, while striving to rebuild a broken father-son relationship in the 1910s.