In this movie adaptation of the popular anime series, young warriors with magical armors, known as Saints, fight against evil forces to protect the goddess Athena and the peace of the world. As a new enemy threatens to destroy the balance, the young hero Seiya and his fellow Knights of the Zodiac must rise to the challenge and prove their loyalty and courage.
The Saints of Athena are called upon to protect Earth when the Greek gods unleash their wrath. As they battle against powerful foes and face a crisis of faith, they must find a way to overcome the odds and save the world.
In Saint Seiya: Evil Goddess Eris, the Bronze Saints are sent on a mission to rescue their female companion when she is kidnapped by the evil goddess Eris. Along the way, they face powerful enemies and must use their skills and the power of their armor to defeat them.
In Saint Seiya Heaven Chapter: Overture, the cosmic war escalates as the Saints of Athena face the wrath of the gods. With the Earth at stake, the brave warriors must unleash their ultimate powers to protect humanity from destruction.
In Saint Seiya: The Heated Battle of the Gods (1988), a fierce confrontation arises as the Greek mythology-inspired warriors known as Saints clash with gods, risking their lives to protect mankind.
In the final battle between the Saint Seiya warriors and the forces of evil, they must use their armor suits and powers to protect humanity and defeat their enemies. This epic battle is filled with action, animation, and fantasy elements, as the warriors fight using their unique fighting skills and tap into the power of Greek mythology.