Rock Dog is a heartwarming animated film about a mastiff named Bodi who lives in a village guarded by sheepdogs. Bodi dreams of becoming a rock star, but his father wants him to become a sheepdog. Determined to pursue his dreams, Bodi leaves the village and embarks on an adventure in the big city. Along the way, he meets a band, overcomes deception, and discovers the power of music. Will Bodi be able to achieve his dream and find his true purpose in life?
After touring the world, Bodi takes some time off and returns to his village. When he learns that the girl group, K-9, doesn't know who rock legend Angus Scattergood is, he is compelled to join the musical competition show, “Battle the Beat,” to inspire a new generation of rock stars. But after joining the show, Bodi quickly realizes he has bitten off more than he can chew when he becomes an overnight TV personality sensation.
Rock Dog 2: Rock Around the Park follows Bodi and his rock band as they embark on a journey to save their city park from an evil mayor. Along the way, they face challenges, learn valuable lessons, and discover the power of friendship and music. With their passion and talent, Bodi and his band inspire others to follow their dreams and pursue their love for rock-n-roll.