In a fictional war, the captain of a rebellion pilot fights against an alien invasion using advanced technology and piloted giant robots.
In Robotech II: The Sentinels, a married couple must navigate the challenges of their relationship as they pilot giant robots to defend Earth against an alien invasion.
In 1999 an alien spaceship crashed onto the earth. Hidden on board were the secrets of a unique science known as Robot technology. Databanks found in the ship were transferred to the Earth Robotech Computer Complex. In 2009, an alien search party arrived from hyper-space to reclaim their lost databank. The united Earth Government was forced into an Inter Galactic war. Earth forces were able to win the first battle... but at a great cost. The planet was virtually destroyed. New population centres grew out of the ashes... It is now 2027, a second armada sent by the aliens is nearing earth, they have come to recapture the secrets of their lost technology and then destroy the Earth.
It is the year 2031, as the spores of the Flower of Life spread over the remains of the SDF-1 and SDF-2, the Invid land out of Hyperspace, on a head-on collision with the Earth. They crash on the spot, quickly turning it into their massive hive, later to be called Reflex Point. In a matter of moments, the Invid take control of the devastated planet.
In the sequel to the original Robotech series, The Shadow Chronicles follow the SDF-3 as it embarks on a mission to rescue Admiral Rick Hunter and prevent the alien Invid from taking over the Earth.