Winter in Prostokvashino is a delightful animated movie that takes place in the peaceful village of Prostokvashino during the winter season. The story follows the adventures of a little boy and his talking animal friends as they navigate through snowfall, enjoy the holidays, and create cherished memories together. With its charming characters and heartwarming storyline, Winter in Prostokvashino is a perfect choice for family entertainment.
Vacations in Prostokvashino follows the story of a young boy who goes on a summer vacation to the countryside and has various adventures with anthropomorphic animals. The boy stays in a country house and explores the beautiful nature around him. He interacts with talking animals, and together they go on exciting journeys, encountering friendly and mischievous characters along the way.
Three from Prostokvashino tells the story of a little boy named Matroskin who moves to a countryside village with his mother. He quickly makes friends with a talking cat named Matroskin and a dog named Sharik. Together, they embark on various adventures and learn important life lessons.