In a future where humanity has achieved utopia through the use of nanotechnology, a detective is tasked with investigating a conspiracy that threatens to unravel the perfect harmony. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she uncovers dark secrets about the true nature of the society and the quest for eternal life. With the help of her team, she must navigate a world of high-tech advancements, moral codes, and international politics to uncover the truth and prevent a global catastrophe.
In a nineteenth-century world where reanimated corpses serve the living as labourers, a young medical student named John Watson becomes immersed in a conspiracy involving the government and a secretive organization known as 'The Empire of Corpses'. As Watson gets closer to the truth, he discovers dark secrets about the nature of life, death, and the boundaries of science.
In a world where terrorism and war have become the norm, a government agent hunts down a mysterious man behind a series of bombings. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he discovers a shocking truth that threatens to change everything he knows.