In Poltergeist III, a teenage girl named Carol Anne is living in a skyscraper in Chicago and is haunted by evil supernatural forces. These forces possess her and threaten to take her to another dimension. With the help of her psychic aunt and a group of parapsychologists, they must find a way to save Carol Anne before it's too late.
A family's home is haunted by a host of demonic ghosts. Strange events begin when Carol Anne sleepwalks and communicates with a TV set. As the hauntings escalate, the family seeks help from parapsychologists who determine that it is a poltergeist. They discover that their house was built on a relocated cemetery. The spirits take Carol Anne and the family must find a way to rescue her from the other dimension. With the help of a spiritual medium, they successfully bring Carol Anne back but must confront the malevolent spirit known as the Beast. After a final battle, the family escapes as the house implodes into the other dimension.
After the Freelings move into a new house, the (now deceased) evil preacher Kane returns to continue tormenting them. With the help of a Native American shaman, they must face their fears and protect their family from the supernatural forces that threaten them.