Himmel, Polt und Hölle is a hilarious comedy crime movie set in a peaceful rural village. The story revolves around a pastor who gets involved in a police investigation regarding a suspicious wine-making incident. As they dig deeper, they uncover a murder case that leaves the whole village in shock. With a twisted plot filled with comedy, mystery, and suspense, this movie will keep you entertained until the very end.
Simon Polt (Erwin Steinhauer) is no longer a gendarme. Arrived in retirement, he participates cheerfully in the Weinviertel on village life. When a corpse is found after a feast, his sense of right and wrong again becomes noticeable. The police do not see any third party debt. He sees it differently.
When a wedding shower turns into a crime scene, a group of friends must uncover the truth and catch the culprit before it's too late.