When a mysterious Pokémon named Volcanion falls from the sky, Ash Ketchum and his friends become entangled in a battle between a corrupt inventor and a secret group with nefarious intentions. With the help of Volcanion and their Pokémon, Ash and his friends must stop the inventor's plans and save the day.
In Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction, a rare and powerful Pokémon named Diancie seeks the help of Ash and his friends to find the legendary diamond that can save her kingdom. Along the way, they must navigate through dangerous caves, mysterious forests, and confront the notorious Team Rocket.
When Hoopa, a mischievous Pokémon with the ability to summon things, awakens the legendary Pokémon, it brings chaos to the world. Ash and his friends must find a way to stop the clash of legendary Pokémon and restore peace.