Otto - The Disaster Movie is a comedy film that follows the story of a disastrous journey on a cruise ship. The movie portrays the challenges and mishaps faced by the characters, providing an entertaining experience filled with humor and chaos.
Otto, an alien from East Frisia, visits Earth and gets involved in comedic situations. He meets a girl and falls in love while causing chaos with his antics.
Otto is a gatekeeper in the small town of East Friesland. His life takes an exciting turn when he is gifted a Cadillac convertible. Follow Otto's journey as he explores the town and meets interesting characters along the way.
A charming and quirky young man named Otto falls in love with a woman who challenges his beliefs and transforms his life. With humor and heart, this romantic comedy explores themes of self-discovery, love, and the journey to find true happiness.
Otto, a comedian in Hamburg, Germany, faces financial problems and debt. He gets into comedic situations involving a love interest, a loan shark, and a rival comedian.