Once Upon a Time in China III is a 1992 action movie set in China during the colonial era. It follows the story of Wong Fei-Hung, a martial arts master who fights against the oppressive colonial forces. The movie depicts Wong's struggle to protect his community and preserve the tradition of kung fu in the face of colonization. With thrilling action sequences and a strong underlying message, Once Upon a Time in China III showcases the power of martial arts as a form of resistance.
The story follows the legendary martial artist Wong Fei-hung as he battles foreign forces and Triad gangs in order to protect his homeland and preserve Chinese culture.
In this sequel to Once Upon a Time in China, martial arts master Wong Fei-hung continues his fight against foreign invaders who seek to colonize China. Along with his disciples, Wong Fei-hung faces off against a powerful sect and must confront the conflicts between traditional Chinese values and the push for westernization.
Once Upon a Time in China and America is a martial arts action movie set in the Wild West. It follows Wong Fei-hung as he travels to America and becomes caught up in a battle between outlaws, cowboys, and Native Americans. With his kung fu skills, Wong must protect the innocent and restore justice.
In Once Upon a Time in China IV, the legendary martial arts master Wong Fei-hung faces off against a ruthless group of villains who are terrorizing the town. With his incredible kung fu skills, Wong must protect the innocent and restore justice in a battle that will test his strength and resolve.
Wong Fei-Hung returns to battle an evil cult that is terrorizing the town. With the help of his loyal friends, Wong must use his martial arts skills to defeat the cult and restore peace.