Phantom of Chinatown is a crime thriller that takes place in pre-World War Two China. The story revolves around a murder mystery involving oil deposits, a sacred tomb, and a secret panel. As an archaeologist and a government agent team up to solve the case, they uncover a series of intriguing clues leading them deeper into the dangerous world of Chinese politics and espionage. With twists and turns at every corner, this film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
Doomed to Die is a 1940 crime thriller film. When a shipping magnate is murdered, detective Mr. Wong teams up with news reporter Bobbie Logan to solve the case. They uncover a network of smuggling and deception, with the involvement of a Tong secret society. As they dig deeper into the investigation, they encounter false accusations, family relationships, and a confession of a crime. The plot takes several twists and turns, including an attempted murder, a daughter caught in the middle, and a dangerous business competition. An automobile accident adds to the suspense as Mr. Wong and Bobbie race against time to catch the killer.
In Mr. Wong, Detective (1938), the famous Asian detective, Mr. Wong, is on a mission to solve a murder mystery involving a secret formula and an international spy. With the backdrop of San Francisco's Chinatown and the Golden Gate Bridge, Mr. Wong navigates deception, danger, and racial stereotypes to uncover the truth.
When a valuable star sapphire goes missing during a dinner party, the gem collector hires Mr. Wong, a Chinese-American private detective, to find it. However, things take a deadly turn when a guest is shot dead and Mr. Wong becomes determined to catch the jewel thief. As the investigation unfolds, Mr. Wong uncovers a web of false accusations, romantic rivalries, and hidden motives, leading him to the shocking truth.
Mr. Wong, an Asian detective, investigates a treacherous plot in Chinatown San Francisco involving a kidnapped princess, murder, and deception. With the help of a female newspaper reporter, Mr. Wong unravels the mystery, facing danger and violence along the way.
When a Chinese-American detective is framed for murder, he must solve the case to clear his name and bring the real killer to justice. With the help of a female newspaper reporter and his loyal team, he uncovers a smuggling ring and delves into the seedy underbelly of San Francisco's Chinatown.