Mr. Vampire is a 1985 action-comedy horror film that follows a Taoist priest and his two disciples who battle Chinese vampires, also known as hopping vampires or jiangshi, in a small town. The film combines elements of martial arts, supernatural horror, and slapstick comedy.
In 'Mr Vampire Saga 4,' a group of Taoist priests battle against a horde of Chinese vampires in a thrilling and comedic adventure filled with action and comedy. The priests must use their knowledge of Taoism to combat the supernatural creatures and save the day.
Master Lam and his two disciples must battle a horde of Chinese vampires in order to get the teeth dust needed to cure an ailing general. Meanwhile, the general's wife is pregnant, and the evil spirit of an aborted baby wants to possess the unborn child's body for its resurrection.
Mr. Vampire III is a comedic horror action film released in 1987. Set in Hong Kong, it revolves around a Taoist priest and his disciples who battle against supernatural creatures. The film combines elements of action, comedy, and horror to create an entertaining and unique experience.
In 'Mr. Vampire II', a Taoist priest and his two disciples must battle an evil sorcerer and his army of Chinese vampires. With slapstick comedy, child vampires, and thrilling action, this film is a hilarious and exciting adventure.