Meu Passado Me Condena 2: O Filme is a hilarious Brazilian comedy movie that follows the adventures of a couple on their chaotic honeymoon trip. Fábio and Miá are newlyweds who decide to revive their strained relationship with a trip to Portugal. However, their romantic getaway quickly turns into a series of misadventures and hilarious encounters, putting their love and patience to the test.
Meu Passado Me Condena: O Filme is a Brazilian romantic-comedy film that follows a couple as they embark on a cruise. Fábio and Miá are both struggling to get their lives back on track and decide to take a vacation together. However, their trip takes an unexpected turn when they run into their exes on board the cruise ship. As Fábio and Miá try to navigate their way through the challenges of their past relationships, they also have to deal with the ups and downs of being a couple in a confined space. Will their love survive the trip?