Masti is a comedy film that revolves around the lives of three friends who get involved in a series of misadventures. The story includes elements of crime, mystery, and romance, making it an entertaining mix of humor and suspense. The plot follows their journey as they navigate through robbery-gone-awry, repentance, male-bonding, and the complexities of love and marriage. With a touch of crude humor and unexpected twists, Masti keeps the audience engaged and entertained.
Three friends Amar, Meet, and Prem desire to have some fun in their lives and decide to visit a haunted house. Little do they know that the house is haunted by a ghost named Ragini, who wants to fulfill her desires through them. As the friends try to escape the supernatural experiences, they get entangled in a series of comical and horrifying situations.
Three friends reunite for a college reunion and find themselves in a series of hilarious and mischievous situations. However, their fun takes a dangerous turn when they become the target of a seductive woman with her own sinister agenda.