In this thrilling movie, Malkoçoğlu and his team of fedaileri embark on an action-packed adventure to seek revenge and rescue a kidnapped princess. They face dangerous raiders, engage in intense battles, and encounter unexpected twists in their quest. With death lurking at every corner, Malkoçoğlu's determination and bravery are put to the ultimate test.
In this action-packed film, Malkoçoğlu, a hero from the Ottoman Empire, fights to protect his family and defend his empire against various threats.
In 'Malkoçoğlu: Akıncılar Geliyor,' a one-eyed man seeks revenge in the Ottoman Empire, dressed as a warrior in the 1400s.
Malkoçoğlu – Cem Sultan is a thrilling swashbuckler adventure set in 15th-century Ottoman Empire. The movie follows the journey of Malkoçoğlu, an illegitimate son seeking revenge, as he raids castles and battles his way through the empire. Along the way, he also discovers his true identity and the complexities of father-son relationships.