Largo Winch II is a thrilling action movie about a billionaire named Largo Winch who finds himself caught in a financial conspiracy. The story begins with a flashback of a village massacre, and as Largo tries to uncover the truth, he faces greed, corruption, and the corrupting influence of capitalism. With the help of mercenaries and a charity organization, Largo fights against evil capitalists and seeks justice. The movie takes place in various locations like Hong Kong, China, Myanmar, Bangkok, Thailand, and features exciting scenes like car chases, airplane jumps, and yacht adventures.
Largo Winch, devastated by the kidnapping of his son, realizes that if he finds those responsible for his bankruptcy, maybe he'll see his son again.
When Largo Winch, an adopted son and heir to a billionaire's empire, inherits the company after his father's suspicious death, he becomes the target of hostile takeovers, assassination attempts, and a sinister plot to destroy his legacy. Largo must navigate a world of ruthless business dealings, crooked businessmen and women, and a nonlinear timeline to uncover the truth and protect his inheritance.