Set in an alternate history where Japan lost World War II, the film follows Kazuki Fuse, a member of the special police unit known as the Wolf Brigade. As he investigates a terrorist group, he becomes embroiled in a conspiracy that threatens the stability of the government. With elements of noir and thriller, the film explores themes of fascism, resistance, and the psychological toll of war.
Set in a futuristic Tokyo, detective Azuma is on a mission to find a stolen firearms shipment. As he delves deeper into the dark underworld filled with corruption and violence, he uncovers a web of conspiracies and betrayal. With the city on the brink of collapse, Azuma must navigate through the chaos to bring justice and restore order.
In a dystopian world, an ex-detective named Kamiura becomes a detective once again to solve a case involving a dangerous cult. With the help of his team, Kamiura uncovers a sinister conspiracy that threatens the stability of the entire society. As he delves deeper into the investigation, Kamiura finds himself facing unexpected challenges and surreal encounters. Will he be able to unravel the truth before it's too late?