Kahaani 2 tells the story of a woman named Vidya Sinha who lives with her paralyzed daughter Minnie in West Bengal. When Minnie is kidnapped, Vidya embarks on a relentless search to find her, but during her investigation, she uncovers a dark secret that puts her own life in danger.
Bob Biswas, an assassin suffering from memory loss, becomes a contract killer. As collateral damage piles up, he discovers a hidden key that could change everything. With twists and turns, Bob navigates through a web of karma, nightmares, and dangerous encounters while trying to uncover the truth.
In the bustling city of Kolkata, a pregnant woman named Vidya Bagchi arrives from London in search of her missing husband. As she dives deeper into the investigation, she unravels a complex web of police corruption and political conspiracy, leading her on a thrilling and dangerous journey to find the truth.