In the rural town of Poho County, a farming community becomes the target of the legendary Creeper, a supernatural creature that comes out every 23rd spring for 23 days to hunt and kill. As the community is terrorized by the deadly creature, a group of individuals, including a mother, sheriff, and sergeant, must band together to stop its reign of terror.
Jeepers Creepers 2 follows a group of high school students who are on their way home from a championship basketball game when their bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere. As they wait for help, they start to realize that they are being hunted by a supernatural serial killer known as the Creeper. With nowhere to run, they must find a way to fight back and survive the night.
During their spring break road trip, a brother and sister encounter a flesh-eating creature that is on a killing spree. They must navigate a series of terrifying events as they try to escape the creature's clutches.