Ip Man 2 (2010) follows the story of Ip Man as he moves to Hong Kong in 1949, aiming to establish a school and promote his Wing Chun martial arts. Despite facing challenges and ridicule from other martial arts schools, he gains his first students who help the school thrive. To open his school officially, Ip Man must attend a ceremony where he must defeat the martial arts masters in Hong Kong. Along the way, he faces corruption in the Hong Kong police force and must confront a British boxer who insults and attacks Chinese culture. Eventually, Ip Man fights the boxer and emerges victorious, earning the respect of the audience. The movie ends with Ip Man being introduced to a young boy named Bruce Lee, hinting at his future influence on the world of martial arts.
In the 1930s, wealthy martial artist Ip Man is forced to leave his home during the Japanese invasion of China. With little means of survival, he and the people of his city must find a way to survive. Ip's skills in Wing Chun martial arts lead him to confront and defeat aggressive Northern Chinese martial artists and Japanese soldiers. Despite the hardships, Ip maintains his integrity and eventually establishes a Wing Chun school in Hong Kong, training students including the future legend Bruce Lee.
Ip Man 3 (2015) tells the story of kung fu master Ip Man who faces challenges including battling a ruthless crime boss, dealing with his wife's illness, and raising his son. With the backdrop of 1950s Hong Kong, this movie portrays the struggle of a martial artist against organized crime.
Ip Man, the kung fu master, travels to San Francisco to deal with the racist attitudes of the local martial arts community and defend his student's right to teach Wing Chun.