In the Name of the King III follows a mercenary who is transported through time in order to rescue two kidnapped sisters and save a kingdom from an evil sorcerer. Armed with his sword and his wit, he must navigate through treacherous lands and face dangerous adversaries. Will he be able to fulfill his mission and restore peace to the land?
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale is a fantasy action film based on the video game Dungeon Siege. Farmer, a simple man living in a peaceful village, embarks on a dangerous quest for revenge after his wife is killed and his son is taken by an evil king. With the help of a wise wizard, Farmer must gather a band of unlikely heroes and confront the forces of darkness to save his son and bring justice to the kingdom.
When an ex-Special Forces soldier is transported to a parallel universe, he must fulfill a prophecy and save a kingdom from an evil sorcerer. Along the way, he encounters supernatural powers, sword fights, and dangerous adventures.