In this sequel to the cult film, a group of friends win a vacation to a resort in the Bahamas, but soon find themselves being hunted by a vengeful killer. As they try to survive, they must confront their haunted past and unravel the mystery of the hooded figure wielding a hook. With their lives on the line, every decision could mean the difference between life and death.
Four friends reunite when they find themselves being stalked by a hook-wielding maniac after accidentally hitting a stranger with their car. As they try to hide their secret, the killer goes after them one by one.
In a small town, a group of friends is haunted by a hooded killer who seeks revenge for a prank gone wrong. As the Fourth of July weekend approaches, the friends are forced to confront their darkest secrets and fight for their lives.
A group of privileged teenagers, along with one less-fortunate peer, accidentally cause a death and attempt to cover it up. A year later, they find themselves being targeted and eliminated one by one, forcing them to seek help.