Honey is a drama film set in Harlem, New York City, that follows the story of a young woman who aspires to become a professional dancer. She faces obstacles such as harassment, blackmail, and the challenges of breaking into the world of hip-hop dance. Through her determination and talent, she navigates her way through the industry and ultimately finds success.
Skyler, a young woman from a troubled background, discovers her love for dance and strives to pursue her dreams of becoming a professional dancer. Along the way, she faces various obstacles and learns valuable life lessons about perseverance, self-expression, and the power of community.
Honey 3: Dare to Dance follows the journey of a young dancer named Melea Martin as she defies the odds and challenges traditions to pursue her passion for dance. Set in South Africa, Melea finds herself torn between her conservative father's expectations and her own dreams of becoming a professional dancer. With the help of a diverse group of fellow dancers, Melea must overcome obstacles, navigate cultural differences, and find the courage to follow her heart. Will she be able to prove herself and bring her unique style of dance to the world stage?
After serving time in juvenile detention, a talented dancer returns to the Bronx in hopes of reclaiming her place in the dance crew competition.