Felix's school is haunted again, only this time it's not the benevolent spirit of school founder Otto Leonhard and the nuisance he caused, but the once hated and long-since dead Director Hulda Stingbeard. A coincidence causes the former shrunken and skeletonized school principle to rise again, leading to chaos...
In 'Help, I Shrunk My Teacher,' a young boy named Felix accidentally shrinks his teacher and must embark on a series of adventures to find a way to reverse the process. Along the way, he faces various challenges and solves puzzles with the help of his friends. Will he be able to restore his teacher to her original size?
Melanie is a new pupil at the Otto Leonhard High School, and Felix takes a real shine to this newbie, much to the annoyance of Ella and Felix’s gang. They believe that Melanie is responsible for a number of small thefts that have been happening at the school since she arrived. Events take a drastic turn when the class goes on a school trip...