Hell is a movie that explores the themes of wrongful conviction, revenge, and the complex relationships between characters. Set in Paris, the story follows a woman who is falsely accused of a crime and seeks vengeance against those responsible. Through a nonlinear timeline, the film delves into the traumatic events of her childhood, her relationships with her mother and sister, and the discovery of a parallel story that intertwines with hers. With an ensemble cast and powerful performances, Hell is a gripping and thought-provoking drama that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Francis Ratay witnesses the theft of church painting "Angel with violin". The entire incident recorded by an amateur camera. The thief turns out to Benedict Weber, gallery owner and art connoisseur. Francis comes to his gallery. Blackmails him, that will provide police record, unless the image in three days back in place.
Heaven is a crime drama about a widow who takes justice into her own hands after the death of her husband, leading her on a journey of escape and redemption. Along the way, she becomes involved in a dangerous search for a fugitive and finds unexpected love.