"Smash-Up in China" is a very early animated film. The story consists of the Hooligan telling the little hooligans about his supposed adventures in China. He saves the life of the Prime Minister, meets the Emperor and nearly gets himself blown up!
Based on the comic strip Happy Hooligan, this cartoon was packaged with the Hearst-Vitagraph News Pictorial and shown before the main features in theaters.
Based on the comic strip Happy Hooligan, this cartoon was packaged with the Hearst-Vitagraph News Pictorial and shown before the main features in theaters.
Based on the Happy Hooligan comic strip, by Frederick Burr Opper. Happy speaks with someone in the park and takes a trip to the moon on a rocket that looks like the front half of a current racing car, where he is made king of the moon. A ballerina does a shimmy and Our Hero winds up back in the park being accosted by a cop. The inference is that he has fallen asleep and dreamed the entire trip.