In the Democratic Terrorist, an undercover intelligence operative named Carl Hamilton goes on a dangerous mission to infiltrate a German terrorist group. As he navigates the world of espionage and terrorism, he uncovers a plot that could have devastating consequences. With action-packed shootouts, undercover missions and thrilling espionage, this movie keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Carl Hamilton is called to Moscow to testify on behalf of a GRU officer who is charged with treason against the state. He has to testify that the officer has not sold information to Sweden.
After his wife and son are murdered, a former secret agent named Carl Hamilton seeks revenge against the Italian mafia. As he delves deeper into the criminal underworld, Hamilton uncovers a conspiracy involving high-ranking politicians. With the help of his skills and resources, he goes on a relentless mission to bring justice to those responsible.
When a secret agent's daughter is kidnapped by terrorists in Eastern Europe, he is forced to take action and go on a dangerous mission to rescue her.
Hamilton is a secret agent who finds himself embroiled in a dangerous mission involving the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, smuggling, and mass murder. With the help of cutting-edge technology and his own skills, Hamilton must navigate a treacherous world filled with deception and violence.
Agent Carl Hamilton finds himself caught in a web of espionage and terrorism, as he takes on dangerous missions in Eastern Europe, Dallas, Texas, and beyond. With real TV news shown in a fictional situation, he must navigate fistfights, bombings, assassinations, and more to protect his country and uncover the truth.
Carl Hamilton (Coq Rouge, Swedens James Bond) is called before KU (Swedens answer to the American congressional hearing) to answer questions about a spy war between Sweden and the Soviet Union.
Code Name Coq Rouge is a 1989 action thriller film based on the novel by Jan Guillou. The story follows a Swedish journalist named Carl Hamilton as he uncovers a political conspiracy while investigating a wrongful conviction. Hamilton's investigation leads him into a dangerous world of terrorism, espionage, and cover-ups.