In Ghoulies III: Ghoulies Go to College, a group of mischievous ghouls wreak havoc on a college campus, causing chaos and terrorizing the students. With slapstick comedy, pranks, and supernatural elements, the film follows the ghoulies as they navigate the world of higher education.
In Ghoulies II, a group of demons wreak havoc at an amusement park, terrorizing visitors and causing mayhem. As the chaos unfolds, a brave group of individuals must band together to stop the ghoulies and save innocent lives. With a mix of comedy and horror, this film provides thrilling entertainment.
When a man moves into an old mansion, he accidentally unleashes a group of demon creatures known as Ghoulies. As the Ghoulies wreak havoc, the man must find a way to stop them before it's too late.
In Ghoulies IV, a group of ghouls are unleashed from a pentagram and wreak havoc. A detective tries to stop them, leading to a series of comedic and horrific events. The ghouls cause explosions, shootouts, and chaos, while the detective battles them with switchblades and wit.