The Seven Days is a drama set in 1990s Israel, exploring the complexities of family relationships, religion, and mourning. The story revolves around a widow and her children as they navigate the seven-day mourning period, known as shiva, after the death of their brother. The film delves into the tensions between different branches of Judaism, as well as the individual struggles and conflicts within the family.
The film tells the story of Viviane Amsalem, who struggles to obtain a divorce from her husband in a religiously conservative society. Despite enduring years of an unhappy marriage, she faces resistance from her husband, the Orthodox Jewish court, and societal prejudices.
To Take A Wife is a drama and romance film set in 1970s Haifa, Israel. It follows the story of a married couple who are dealing with a dysfunctional family and the challenges that come with their arranged marriage. The film explores themes of love, conflict, divorce, and the struggles of maintaining a marriage in a tumultuous environment.