In Futurama: Bender's Game, the Planet Express crew gets caught up in a fantasy world filled with role-playing, dragons, and a plot to destroy the universe. Bender becomes a powerful knight, Fry discovers his latent powers, and Leela leads the way to save the day. With plenty of comedic moments and references to popular fantasy tropes, this movie is a must-watch for fans of the show.
Bender's Big Score follows the gang from Planet Express as they discover a tattoo on Fry's buttocks that contains a time-traveling code. This leads to a series of events including a paradox, corporate greed, and the revival of the dead. The gang must navigate through these challenges while saving the world and dealing with their own personal struggles.
In this final installment of the Futurama film series, the Planet Express crew stumbles upon a secret society and must save the universe from destruction.
The Planet Express crew gets involved in a deep-space mission that leads them to a parallel universe, where they encounter a giant alien known as Yivo. As Yivo begins to take over the universe, the crew must find a way to stop this creature before it destroys everything.