A young man in Santiago, Chile experiences a series of comedic and unexpected events that disrupt his life. From dealing with complicated relationships to navigating through the challenges of motherhood, he encounters a range of emotions and situations that make him question his sanity.
Fuck My Family is a comedy movie that revolves around a dysfunctional family and their struggle with love, relationship problems, and dealing with the challenges of life. The story takes place in Santiago, Chile, and follows the lives of the family members as they go through a series of hilarious and awkward situations. With failed relationships, divorce, and the immaturity of some family members, the movie explores the ups and downs of family dynamics in a comedic way.
A chaotic wedding leads to hilarious situations and unexpected revelations, involving cheating, pregnancy, marriage proposals, and a wedding planner. Set in Santiago, Chile, this comedy explores the relationships and mishaps of the characters.