Two criminals and their hostages unknowingly seek temporary refuge in a truck stop populated by vampires, with chaotic results. Texas sheriff Edgar McGraw pulls up to an isolated liquor store in Texas called Benny's World of Liquor. Once inside he speaks with the shopkeeper...
From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter is a horror-western film set in the 1910s. The story follows a 19-year-old girl who is kidnapped by a group of vampires and the efforts of a group of people to save her. It is a prequel to the cult film From Dusk Till Dawn and explores the origins of the vampire myth and the character of Santanico Pandemonium.
In From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money, a group of bank robbers accidentally stumble upon a strip club in Mexico that is secretly infested with vampires. As they try to escape, they must fight for survival against the bloodthirsty creatures. With intense action, suspense, and horror, the movie takes viewers on a thrilling and gory journey.