Evil Dead Trap follows a talk-show host who receives a mysterious VHS tape that leads her to an abandoned factory where she becomes trapped in a horrifying game of survival. As she navigates the dark and twisted secrets of the factory, she discovers the existence of snuff films and encounters a psychopathic killer. With supernatural powers and a plot full of unexpected twists, this film takes audiences on a terrifying journey.
A policewoman (Megumi Yokoyama) investigates the apparent suicide of a college coed. The prime suspects include the girl's professor, who may have been having an affair with her, and the professor's wife, who frequents lesbian bars. Gruesome axe murders and mutilations ensue, leading Yokoyama to a shocking discovery.
Evil Dead Trap 2: Hideki follows the story of a television station that becomes the target of a deranged female serial killer. As the body count rises, the employees of the station must fight for their lives and try to uncover the identity of the killer. With elements of horror, mystery, and thriller, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.