Entrails of a Beautiful Woman is a shocking and controversial film that explores the dark underbelly of society. The story follows a young woman who becomes the target of a sadistic gang, leading to a series of brutal and perverse events. With its graphic violence, explicit sexual content, and shocking themes, this film is not for the faint of heart.
A sexually insatiable woman leads a strange clan consisting of a sadistically unhinged woman, her oversexed boyfriend and a former army general. They have captured a businessman who has diverted company assets and work him over with torture and kinky sex to make him reveal the account number. Will he keep mum or will the clan get their way?
Entrails of a Virgin is a cult Japanese horror film known for its graphic violence, extreme sexual content, and shocking scenes. The movie explores themes of brutality, sadism, and erotic horror. It follows a group of people who find themselves trapped in a cabin in the woods, where they are terrorized by a monstrous creature. The film features explicit scenes of rape and murder, as well as simulated sex and violence. It is a controversial exploitation film that pushes the boundaries of good taste.