Mother's Elling is a heartwarming comedy-drama set in Mallorca, Spain. It tells the story of a shy man who lives with his mother and embarks on a vacation to heal after the loss of his mother. Along the way, he encounters various eccentric characters, including a stewardess, a tour guide, and a pickpocket. Through his journey, he learns to overcome his shyness and embrace life's adventures.
Elling and Kjell Bjarne are two adult male friends who are released from a mental institution and forced to live on their own. As they navigate the challenges of the outside world, they form a unique bond and learn important life lessons.
Love Me Tomorrow follows the story of a group of friends who navigate the complexities of relationships, love triangles, and personal struggles. It takes place in Oslo, Norway, and explores themes of friendship, loneliness, and self-discovery. Through humorous and heartwarming moments, the characters learn to embrace the uncertainties of life and find love in unexpected places.