Following the events of the first movie, the group of DigiDestined friends continues their battle against the rampaging Digimon. As they face new threats, they must find the determination to overcome their fears and protect both the real and digital worlds.
In the sixth and final installment of Digimon Adventure tri., the DigiDestined face their greatest challenge yet as they must protect the Digital World from destruction and prevent the end of the world.
In Digimon Adventure tri. Part 5: Coexistence, the DigiDestined face a new enemy that threatens the Digital World. As they try to bring about peace and coexistence, they must overcome their own doubts and fears. It's a test of friendship like never before.
After years of absence, the original DigiDestined are reunited with their Digimon partners to face a new threat that could bring chaos to both the Digital and Real Worlds.
In Digimon Adventure tri. Part 4: Loss (2017), the DigiDestined deals with the aftermath of the battle against Alphamon. As they struggle to cope with their losses and the uncertainty of their future, a new enemy threatens the Digital World.
In Digimon Adventure tri. Part 3: Confession, the DigiDestined continue to struggle with the growing threat of infected Digimon. As they try to uncover the truth behind the infection, they are forced to confront their own fears and insecurities. With friendships tested and new allies found, they must find a way to stop the spread of darkness before it consumes the Digital World.